Wednesday, December 11, 2013

When to disclose to the public?

With my blog post on the Happtique certification shortcomings, the inability to even validate personal health information is sent over unencrypted HTTP - I thought it would be beneficial to discuss when one should disclose security vulnerabilities.

In the past I have disclosed vulnerabilities which I have discovered privately and not peeped a word publicly. The entities involved responded in a timely manner and fixed the issues. This is great.

Once we hit collecting personal health information, I think this starts to become a problem.

I chose to publicly disclose after waiting 8 days in one instance and 3 in another.


The first instance I contacted the developer and I heard nothing back from them. I dug deeper into their product and found they were sending information over unencrypted HTTP connections. In my mind, the combination of the fact that they refused to contact me with unencrypted HTTP communication meant the public had to know right away.

The second company, I notified and also heard nothing back. I met a representative of their company at the mHealthSummit yesterday. He all but blew me off when I brought up my concerns. He didn't ask for more information, he didn't ask for my contact info.

With that knowledge, I saw no reason to extend them the benefit of the doubt and assume they would fix the issue.

Reply to people

I'll repeat this again to all developers out there: When someone finds a hole in your product - email them or call them back immediately.

People disclosing exploits are looking to help you. Security isn't easy.

I would have afforded both companies the benefit of the doubt and let them fix the issues if they had made some effort to reach out to me - or had not made such gross security mishaps like not using HTTPS/SSL.

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